Sunday, August 21, 2011

Powerful Supplement Secrets

Which Ones Are Marketing-Hype and Which Ones Actually WORK!

Knowing the Difference Will Save You Money and Time!

I remember when the top 5 bodybuilding supplements were chalky weight gain powders, horse pill amino acids, and liver tabs. These days we are bombarded with fancy, well-marketed, designer protein powders, tasty protein bars, and mind-blowing natural anabolic enhancer's guaranteed to give you that dream body in just weeks.
"Wow, I could look like *insert professional fitness athlete's name here* in just weeks by taking this professional fitness athlete endorsed supplement."
If you tell someone something, even a lie, often enough, he or she will eventually believe it. It's the art of manipulation.
I've watched the supplement industry transformation through the years and there are a LOT of big claims, but disappointing in results.
There's a huge whirlwind of supplemental confusion that's swept across the fitness industry, and it's easy to get caught up in the hype, hopes, and dreams.
The first step is to KNOW and UNDERSTAND that when it comes to building muscle, strength, and getting that drop-dead killer body... There are no short cuts. Supplements are just that... to supplement your diet, not to take the place of quality nutrition.
That's not to say that supplements don't have their place in a bodybuilding program... they do, but there is a trick to it.

The trick to saving money and time with supplements are:
  • Knowing what supplement to take for your immediate goal
  • Knowing when to take your supplements(s)
  • Knowing how much to take of your chosen supplement(s)
The baseline information you need to know right now are which supplements you need, and which supplements need to be in file 13.

Supplements You NEED To Support Your Muscle-Building Endeavors:
Multi-vitamins (muscle building and fat loss) - Blah, blah, blah... You've head enough about multi-vitamins, they are basic... "Give me the real deal, Karen."
Hold on... Often times, a basic multi-vitamin is the missing factor in a fitness plan.
Vitamins are chemical compounds that are CRITICAL for health, growth, and a functioning metabolism. You just can't get the proper amount of vitamins and minerals in food since the soil is so depleted of nutrients, and all the chemicals used on the crops, not to mention the processing of most foods these days.
Vitamins and minerals contribute to building muscle, reducing fat, promoting quality health and longevity, preventing disease, ensuring certain biochemical reactions, and regulating hormones.
Those who weight train need a good amount of vitamins and minerals to prompt muscle recovery, so don't skimp on your vitamins or the quality of your vitamins.
One little vitamin tip is to NOT purchase your multi-vitamins from a convenient, department, discount, or even a drug store. Generally, such places sell under quality supplements, including vitamins and minerals. They are total crap to be blunt.
To ensure you get a good quality multi-vitamin, stick with large name brands such as Twin Lab, AST, EAS, etc. While you may pay a few cents more, they work. You can find such name brands at your local health food store and even online.

Glutamine (muscle maintenance) - Ah, good ole' glutamine. There's been so much written on this supplement that every article discussing it automatically spew's out "the most abundant amino acid in the body" so I won't go there.
While your body does produce glutamine, it can't make enough of it for the hard training bodybuilder.
If you want to build muscle and you train intensely, then you NEED to be supplementing your diet with this great product. Stress and intense training totally strips your muscles of this amino acid and your body just can't make enough of it on it's own, so adding it to your program will improve your training and muscle growth all around. I like to refer to glutamine as muscle insurance.
Glutamine is the primary transporter of nitrogen into the muscle cells, improving protein synthesis, and growth hormone levels.

Glutamine’s benefits are:

  • Lowers catabolism (muscle wastage)
  • Spares protein
  • Enhances protein synthesis
  • Stimulates the formation of glycogen
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Increase growth hormone secretion

Recommended Dosage

To offset a catabolic state, supplement with 10-20 grams of glutamine a day, divided into 5 gram servings on an empty stomach.
  • Five grams before training
  • Five grams after training (with in 20-45 minutes)
  • Five grams before cardio
  • Five grams before bed (optional)

CLA - (fat loss and muscle gain) - Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a polyunsaturated, conjugated fatty acid which actually PROMPTS fat burning!
CLA is an exceptional type of fat found in beef, eggs, lamb, and dairy products (whole natural sources). Nonetheless, these CLA sources have experienced a drop in CLA content due to grain-feeding cattle rather than grass-feeding them.
CLA has been shown to increase fat loss up to 20% by blocking lipoprotein lipase, the enzyme involved in storing fat into fat cells. The average person's diet, however, is deficient in this unique fat, receiving only about 200 mg. a day.
CLA has been show to enhance muscle gain by regulating protein metabolism and driving glucose to the muscle cells for fuel rather than fat cells for storage.
Other perks of CLA are that it can manage insulin sensitivity and diabetes, prevent cancer, enhance immune system, and contains antiviral properties
Carlon M. Colker, MD, FACN in his popular book Extreme Muscle Enhancement explains “a recent one [study] found that overweight males and females who consumed 4.5 grams of CLA for a year lowered their body fat percentage by almost 10 percent as compared to the placebo group”.
CLA is one of the best, yet overlooked, supplements on the market. Most athletes are so "anti-fat" minded that they fail to see the benefit of taking an essential fat.

Recommended Dosage

Above are just a few of some of the best supplements to take your training, diet, and physique to the next level. Remember, know what to take and when to take it... Timing is EVERYTHING.

You can learn more on what supplements you need for your goals, how much to take, and when to take them in my best-selling women's bodybuilding system, Iron Dolls. Check it out here

Athlete Beware...
Just as there totally great supplements available, there are also some totally crappy supplements, and the marketing-hype they use to promote them is just mind-blowing. I've actually seen advanced lifters fall prey, big guys.
I was managing GNC back in the mid 1990's and a guy bodybuilder friend and co-worker of mine was thumbing through a Muscle Mag and he came across a Muscle Tech article promoting the famous Hydroxycut.
I wish I still had the 4-6 page spread. Muscle Mag outlined and formatted it very nicely, easily pulling in the most well-educated and street smart lifter.
Muscle Mag made sure to fatten the subject up pretty good first. It was obvious the subject was a bodybuilder because under the layer of fat I could clearly see the guy was muscular.
After dieting down some body fat and merging on a contest prep plan, the subject looked AMAZING to say the least. Muscle Mag even went as far to paint the subject with contest skin dye, Pro Tan. I could easily see it under the subject's fingernails.
I had to point such, obvious to me, things out to my bodybuilder male friend, as he was beginning to fall for this deceptive ad. The soon came to see and realize the extreme marketing thriving on one's emotions, wants, and needs.
Beware of ads in magazines, as magazines own supplement companies and they want to sell you THEIR product line.

Did you know that...
  • Muscle Mag International owns Muscle Tech
  • Muscular Media owns EAS
  • Muscular Development owns Twin Lab
  • Iron Man owns Muscle-Linc.
  • Muscle & Fitness and Flex own Weider

Now, just because a magazine owns a supplement company doesn't necessarily mean they are a bad magazine or bad supplements. You just have to know what supplements are worthy and what supplements are junk.
Learn how to read between the lines and not fall prey to fancy marketing-hype.

Supplements That Aren't All They Are Cracked Up To Be
Oh, there's a long list on these, but I'll cover just a few here... Let's go.
NO2 - This supplement has to be the laughingstock of all supplements. And what's sad is that their marketing tactic, suggesting that it's the best thing since creatine, is working! This stuff has made a dent in the supplement industry, not to mention many wallets, but hasn't done much for delivery of muscle or strength gains.
NO2 has been marketed at a muscle and strength booster, that it will DRAMATAICALLY increase the size and strength of the type 2B muscle fibers (those responsible for muscle growth). If it seems too good to be true... it probably is.
The ONLY thing NO2 is good for is a great pump when training. Other than that, it'll only increase the size of the supplements income. Don't bother with is product or waste your time testing it out for yourself.

Chitosan - Chitosan is an even bigger rip off than NO2. Chitosan is said to be one of the best fat burners available by absorbing fat and preventing it from being stored in your body. It's considered to be a fat blocker or fat trapper, even a fat magnet.
Studies show that chitosan does not block fat, although it has been shown to block vitamins and minerals from being absorbed. In fact, users of chitosan have reported bloating and gas with it's use.
There are many lawsuits and Federal investigations against chitosan-based fat loss products.
Chitosan... what a sad attempt to capitalize on the desperation of others. If you see this product, RUN the other way!

Knowing which supplements to take for what goal can be a pain-staking process, but my Iron Dolls Women's Bodybuilding Training System can clear up ALL the supplement confusion and help you choose the supplements you need for your immediate goal, whether that be muscle gain or fat loss.
And even get the information you need to make your own supplements at home for a fraction of the retail price.
Learn more information on these supplements, which ones to use, when, how, etc.
Meal Replacement Powders
Pro hormones
Vitamins & Minerals
Vanadyl Sulfate
Tribulus Terrestris
Hydroxycitric Acid
Whey Protein
Ephedrine and Caffeine
Chromium Polynicotinate
Huggulee Guggulee
Plus more...

If you want to know the supplement secrets, and are ready to make a physique change, then you need to download my Iron Dolls Training System right now. You can have it in just minutes, as it's Instant Access!

4-6 grams a day spaced out with meals.

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