Thursday, June 16, 2011

BUILDING MUSCLES PROPERLY   by Muscle Buildingprogram

in Health    (submitted 2011-02-17)

<p align="justify">Do people with great body and great muscles interest you? Wish to go to the gym? Thinking of working out? Why is it that men wants to develop or build their muscles?

Men wants to build muscle for different reasons like to boost their self-assurance, for health reasons, feeling better about yourself, particularly if you want to impress the opposite sex or women in particular.

You don't have to be skinny or too muscular to attract women as long as you have the body they like in a guy and that is an athletic and active body.

But it truly takes time and definite knowledge to build muscles and the fitting way of doing it.

Now, as we grow old, our bodies muscle mass begins to depreciate in a process called sarcopenia that is why you need to make sure you keep your muscles puissant at any age to stop injuries.

In order to develop muscle, you must put resistance against the muscle and compel it to contract because muscle contractions make the muscle cells harassed and tired and when these muscle fibers are allowed to rest they begin to undergo rebuilding process where it causes the muscles to become stronger and bigger and if you put too much resistance, it will cause your muscle to wear and tear which signifies more rebuilding thus superior chance of increasing muscle mass.

Since building muscles is not easy, you may need to realize some tips or information's that can help you build muscle properly.

1. Follow the Recommended Guidelines in building muscle. Age and body might are taken into consideration because there are certain exercises or activities that cannot be executed by any person.

2. Know your Contraindications. You may have ailments or diseases like diabetes or arthritis so consult your doctor first as there are exercises that should be evaded and some safety measures to be taken in keeping yourself muscle building program safe.

3. Set a Realistic Goal. Sarcopenia is the process where our muscle mass tends to depreciate so participating in a muscle building program is essential, because there your welfare is taken good care of.

4. Do Compound Exercises. These incorporates squats, bench presses, dead lifts, lunges, leg presses, snatches and pushups performed either with dumbbells or barbells and is believed the most effective muscle building workout that incorporates most total of muscle fiber but it is best suited to work with a trainer first if you are new to these exercises.

5. Make it a Habit to Eat Healthy foods. To build muscles, consume the right foods like fruits, vegetables, poultry, fish, beef, pork, eggs, cheese and milk.

6. Have a lot of Rest and Sleep. Inadequate rest and sleep may defer your muscle revival and most likely lead to illness and injury because it is during the resting phase that the muscle fiber grows, recovers and rebuilds by the aid of various biochemical methods.

7. Monitor your Progress and be patient. Muscle building takes a lot of time and effort, so be enduring in waiting for the fallouts and don't expect a big change in a few weeks of exercise, because achieving your goal doesn't occur overnight but it takes a long process to do that and in order to be in shape and healthy, you must maintain and keep your body in superior condition at all times.

You must do the muscle building exercises frequently though but registering yourself in a muscle building program would assure the quality of your health and safety.

Ironman News - Burn Fat

Tips To Maximize Fat Burning
The exercise tips to maximize fat burning explained here is to kick start your fat burning furnance again. Whether you are stuck in a routine or just not being consistent, you can try these exercise tips to maximize fat burning.
Exercise Tip #1: Build Lean Muscle and burn Fat
You may not realize this but if you build lean muscle you can actually burn more fat. Despite what some may think, weight training with weights doesn't instantly mean you are going to be the next Arnold. If you want to build lean muscle you have to really work for it but it will help you maximize fat burning. If it was that easy to build muscle than every guy in the gym would be muscular. Women also need weight training so hit those weights and maximize fat burning.
For every pound of lean muscle you add to your body you increase your resting metabolic rate by about 50 calories per day. Add just 5 pounds of lean muscle and you’ll be able to burn up to 250 fat calories.
To build lean muscle and boost metabolism you will have to involve weight training if you really want to maximize fat burning. Weight training a minimum of 3 days a week will give you the added benefits needed to maximize fat burning. The days that weight training are not performed can be used for cardiovascular or some type of activity you enjoy that burns calories.
Exercise Tip#2: Total Body Exercises For Better Results
One of the reasons people choose to do isolation exercises is to try to work on that specific area. This will work for weight training but for losing fat, you cannot spot reduce!
You cannot do specific exercises with the mindset of burning the fat off that area. Crunches will not get rid of your stomach. To maximize fat burning, you should perform compound movements that involve multiple muscle groups. A good example would be to try close-grip, or diamond push-ups, will use more muscles and burn more calories than doing a tricep kickback. Another example would be to do squats instead of leg extensions. The more muscles involved in an exercise will require more energy(calories) to be used, resulting in maximizing fat burning.
Exercise Tip #3: Interval Training Burns To Maximize Fat Burning
There is a big difference between doing cardio exercises and really doing cardio exercises. The key to maximize fat burning with cardio is intensity. You can be on a treadmill for a couple hours, but if you have it at a low level, you really are just wasting time.
One of the best methods to maximize fat burning is high intensity interval training(HIIT). An example of interval training would be to run for a minute, walk on an incline for a minute, and then repeat. A typical HIIT training can last for about 20 minutes and would be more effective to maximize fat burning than an hour of low intense treadmill session. There has been scientific proof that show this method works.
The great thing about high intensity interval training is that you can use it in any form of exercise you do. A simple walk around a park can turn into a walk,run,walk, method maximizing fat burning outside. The great thing about exercise is there is not one way that it ghas to be done as long as it is done correctly. Be creative and maximize fat burning your way!
Exercise Tip #4: Rest and Recover
This is often an overlooked aspect of exercise but rest is extremely important. If you live a busy and stressful life than this is even more important. I have written a post Sleep Your Way To Better Exercise Results just for this specific topic because it is so important. It’s critical to note that all your results come when the body is at rest – recovering from the intense bout of exercise it just went through. If you never give your body rest, allowing it to recover, you’ll never see the results you desire and you won't be able to maximize fat burning.
A good idea to help recover and to maximize fat burning is to use one day a week as a non-workout day. You should take yourself away from training and enjoy yourself. Use it as a reward to a week of high intense workouts that you had to maximize your fat burning.
If you really want to get the results you want, than you have to put the work in. Once you start to see results from exercises to maximize fat burning, then you will know it was all worth it.