If you've ever had difficulty building your biceps, you'll appreciate this exercise. It's a variation of the pull-up that, when you add in the simple adjustment that I've come up with, throws 90% of the muscle-building tension of the pull-up onto your biceps. You'll never have a problem building your biceps again! Imagine the results you'll get from a bicep exercise done using almost your ENTIRE BODYWEIGHT!
And if you thought using your entire bodyweight was impressive, want to try using double your bodyweight on a biceps exercise? I know how to do it and I'll show you how it's done. With this version of the barbell curl, you can literally feel your biceps bursting with growth when you're doing them. Beware: this one isn't for the faint of heart! At a bodyweight of around 200 lbs., I've done this exercise using 365 lbs! You won't believe the extarordinary, deep growth stimulus you'll feel in every inch of your biceps when you're done with this one.
The cable curl is an excellent exercise but I know a way to do it that puts such a massive stretch on your biceps that you can nearly feel your fibers tearing. Putting a great deal of tension on the muscle in its most stretched position has been shown to greatly increase muscle growth. In fact, laboratory tests on cats have shown that under these conditions of tension and stretch, muscle hyperplasia (muscle fiber splitting) can occur. This means more muscle fibers!
We can't necessarily, of course, generalize these results to humans, but once you've felt the intensity of the stretch and tension you'll get from this exercise, you may start meowing and looking for a saucer of warm milk. I will walk you through the technique I use to put such a potent stretch on my biceps that I barely have the strength to scratch my nose when I'm done with it.
And exercises that will build rock-solid,
sleeve-bursting triceps...
To demonstrate the power of this exercise for building your triceps, straighten your arms out tightly and try to force them behind your back as far as possible. Feel the squeeze on your triceps? This is the most highly contracted position the triceps can get into. Now imagine adding 100 lbs of resistance to your triceps in that position! The contraction you feel will be the most intense you've ever felt in your triceps (possibly in any muscle) in your life.
How is this done? I'll give you a hint. You use the pec-deck.
As I've said before, bodyweight exercises activate more muscle fibers than traditional weight exercises. The problem for advanced trainers can be in finding movements that are challenging enough to spur muscle growth. Not only is this stretch-position exercise for your triceps as challenging as you want it to be, it can be done pretty much anywhere. By simply adjusting your body position it can be easy enough for a total beginner or hard enough to challenge an Olympic-caliber athlete.
Combine this bodyweight stretch-position exercise with the previous contracted-position exercise and your triceps will, quite frankly, EXPLODE with new growth! You'll be hitting your triceps full force from complete stretch to peak contraction. And the soreness you will feel from this combo the next day will give you yet another reason to curse my name!
Now here's the thing...
...and you'll probably wonder why the heck I'm telling you this when I'm talking about a book that's nothing but arm exercises...
I just want to be straight up with you.
Direct arm work (like the exercises in this book) on it's own WON'T build the most massive arms on you...
But direct arm work WILL help you maximize your arm size potential, especially when done in conjunction with heavy presses, rows, deadlifts, etc.
And, it'll DEFINITELY help you get arms that LOOK bigger and stronger, too...not just like a big gob of meat.
Training the big exercises like bench and rows is really no secret but it's something that seems often-forgetten when it comes to building arms. You NEED that heavy "big exercise" training to maximally stimulate growth in the arm muscles. There's no getting around it.
But if you want REALLY great arms...the kind of arms that literally scare children when they ask you to "make a muscle" (talking from personal experience there ;)...
Direct arm work is a MUST.
Direct Arm Training Can be Useful as Assistance
Work for the "Big" Exercises
Let's say your bench press has been stuck in a plateau because you have trouble fully locking the bar out at the top. That top range of motion is a primarily triceps. By directly working the triceps with effective "assistance" exercises, you can immediately see results that carry over to your big movements.
Obviously, any pressing movement is going to have a substantial tricep component. What about biceps? Bicep strength plays an important role in rowing and pulling exercises, like chin-ups, bent-over rows...even deadlifts.
Remember...your body is only as
strong as it's weakest link.
If you're doing a bench press and your triceps are relatively weaker than your chest, it's going to LIMIT the amount of weight you can push. By directly strengthening your weak links, you can improve your total strength in the big lifts.
Same for an exercise like chin-ups. Your back may be strong, but if your bicep (or even forearm!) strength limits your training, you'll never maximize your performance in that exercise.
A targeted application of direct arm training can really make a big difference in your lifting.
And, of course, you need to use EFFECTIVE exercises for this purpose, otherwise you're wasting your time.
"The Best Arm Exercises" has some EXTREMELY targeted stuff that certainly fits the bill as big exercise "assistance" exercises.
And let's face it...
Arm training is just plain FUN...
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