What Is The BEST Figure Competition Diet Plan?
Well hey fellow figure competitor! I want to welcome you to my "Figure Competition Insider Lessons." I will reveal some COMPELLING figure prep secrets, POWERFUL figure prep tips, and DYNAMIC techniques to help prep you for your big day you've worked so hard for.
Okay, let's jump right in...
In this first installment I'm going to focus on the most common question I get. It's "what is the best figure diet meal plan?"
Let's start by outlining a blueprint so you can understand it.
FIRST - Eat a meal about every 3 to 4 hours.
Ok, you may "know" this, as this is basically standard information, but let me elaborate.
A meal for a bodybuilder and a figure competitor in contest prep-mode can differ GREATLY. Bodybuilders and figure competitors in building-mode want more calories to fuel training to push more weight, and to build muscle.
The thing to remembers is, a figure competitor dieting for a figure contest doesn't need a full-blown bodybuilder diet maxed out with calories. To diet down for your figure show, you need to lose body fat, and to do that you need to lower your calories. In fact, to start losing body fat RIGHT NOW, I suggest you multiply your body weight by 10 to get your starting caloric content. So, if you are 150 pounds, start your diet off with 1500 calories (150x10=1500).
It's that simple.
HOWEVER, you won't stay on 1500 calories. Each week, as you lose body fat, you need to readjust your calories to meet your new weight.
SECOND - Eat your veggies.
This second part works in conjunction with the first part. To burn body fat you need to eat your NON-STARCHY VEGGIES. You see, non-starchy veggies (NSVs) burn fat. That's right. NSVs are a food item you can eat anytime, anywhere and it will cause your body to burn fat. NSV's are extremely low in calories, don't even need to be counted as a carb since it doesn't affect your insulin, and they even purge your body of toxins. If NSVs were in a bottle, they would be prescribed.
This second part works in conjunction with the first part. To burn body fat you need to eat your NON-STARCHY VEGGIES. You see, non-starchy veggies (NSVs) burn fat. That's right. NSVs are a food item you can eat anytime, anywhere and it will cause your body to burn fat. NSV's are extremely low in calories, don't even need to be counted as a carb since it doesn't affect your insulin, and they even purge your body of toxins. If NSVs were in a bottle, they would be prescribed.
So, the little trick to eating NSVs is to include them in EVERY meal. A second little trick is to reduce your intake of complex and/or starchy veggies and replace them with NSVs. Do this, and you'll just melt body fat right off your body in just days!
THIRD - Eat balanced meals.
What is a balanced meal for one type of person is not a balanced meal for another person. A balanced for a bodybuilder and a figure competitor in building-mode, again, will GREATLY differ from a balanced meal of a figure competitor dieting for a contest.
A balanced meal for someone building muscle will include more carbs and less fat to aid in the muscle-building process and provide energy for heavy training. A figure competitor dieting to lose body fat will benefit more from a diet composed of less carbs (complex/starchy) and more NSVs and essential fat. After 3-4 days on low-carbs (complex/starchy), the body shifts to burning body fat. By eating a bit more essential fat, it provides your body with suitable calorie, and energy for training and cardio.
FOURTH - Eat like clockwork.
A great technique to use to FORCE your body to burn fat is to be CONSISTENT on your meal timing.
This simply means to schedule your meals ahead of time, and be consistent on that eating pattern. You want to train your body when to receive it's nutrients at certain intervals so when you do make changes or tweaks, your body will respond by burning body fat.
For example, if you eat 6 meals a day you can space them out to eat at
7:00 am: 5-6 Egg Whites / 1 Yolk and Oatmeal
10:00 am: Protein Drink
1:00 pm: Grilled Chicken Breast with Roasted Garlic Asparagus
4:00 pm: Protein Drink
7:00 pm: Grilled Steak and Steamed Veggies
10:00 pm: Protein Drink
10:00 am: Protein Drink
1:00 pm: Grilled Chicken Breast with Roasted Garlic Asparagus
4:00 pm: Protein Drink
7:00 pm: Grilled Steak and Steamed Veggies
10:00 pm: Protein Drink
Do EVERYTHING in your power to eat your scheduled meal on time. This is one of the IFBB Figure Pro's keys to success; eating like clockwork. To do this, it's vitally important to prepare your meals in advance and take them along with you in an ice chest if you have to.
FIFTH - Literally purge the fat out
Drink up to a gallon of water a day. Sodium attaches to water, so the more water you drink, the more water you will expel. In addition, drinking a lot of water will help purge fat and toxins right out of your body. Drink a gallon of water a day, or more, along with the above dieting tips, and you will see and feel fat loss within just days.
Next... I can let you in on a WHOLE HOST of figure contest dieting tips, tricks, and secrets to prep for your first figure competition. You see, I spent over 20 years decoding the Perfect Contest Diet Prep Plan for extreme fat loss, all the while retaining ALL your hard-earned lean muscle mass.
This isn't my first rodeo. I've been doing this for MORE than half my life. I have transformed by body and I have helped HUNDREDS THOUSANDS of women transform their bodies and enter their first figure competition.
You Can Too. It's not hard, you just need the RIGHT information from someone experienced. Don't take chances... Get the System that is PROVEN to WORK